Tuesday, July 10, 2007

15 Days

Well, we're 15 days out and the nerves are really starting to set in. I'm glad I made a game plan before everything became too intense.

The greatest part of all of this and what keeps my nerves grounded at times, is that this level of success with Albert was never really expected. At least not this quickly.

I was simply happy to be competing at Flintridge, I wanted to continue to get Albert acclimated with showing. We would have been thrilled with 3rd place, and now here we are. Some serious nervous tension has started to weigh me down. Over dinner tonight Andrea reminded me though of what I said when we first started this journey. That it's an honor and a privilege just to have been invited and that no one expects me to win the worlds. We're going to there to get our feet wet and see what we can do.
She's exactly right and always knows how to calm my nerves.

Thank you all once again for your support and encouragement.

Good night.

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