Friday, July 6, 2007

Hey everyone:
It's been too long since I have written, but for everyone who knows me, my literary sense by no means equals my mothers.

I am so amazed with amount of donations we have received. I am so thankful to have all of you in my life. A dear client of ours, Zada, was incredibly generous to Albert and I this week. So generous, in fact, that Angie breaks down a little every time we talk about it. This is all so thrilling, I can not begin to describe how wonderfully things are going for me these days. I could never have accomplished what we have so far, if not for the amazing people in my life. I thank you all so much, you mean the world to me.

Sorry to change the subject so dramatically, but I can't stop thinking about my weekend at Steffen's. The thing that keeps going through my head is that; yes, I may have a small percentage of his physical ability, however my brain does not work as well as his. In short, the man is a genius when it comes to our sport and he has the most amazing ability to stay with the incredible movement he creates from his horses.

Steffen seemed to enjoy Albert and he was, of course, very helpful. Now, if I can pull off what he wants, we're in business. Albert is doing great, he still amazes me everyday. The privilege of riding him is all mine and he reminds me of that continuously. What a cool horse .

Speaking of cool horses Catapult is really filling in the gaps in his FEI work. He is becoming the horse I dreamed of when I first saw him.

Again, I can't thank everyone enough for your generosity and support. I hope you enjoyed another blog entry as much as I did good night.

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